1. case 1
  2. case 2
  3. case 3
  4. case 4
  5. case 5
  6. case 6

facts, not statements
or how to become the consumer's eyes

RESEARCH BACKGROUND AND GOAL: The client wants to know the factors driving brand choice in category X in pubs and discos as well as the impact of the client's advertising materials. IDIs conducted earlier by another agency failed to generate clear answers to these questions.

The Insiders' RESPONSE:

  • we recruit respondents immediately prior to purchase – we invite "fresh" persons to participate in the study, i.e. persons entering pubs/ discos about to make their first purchase.
  • we get into the consumer's head – we conduct the study using a mobile Eye-Tracker (the consumer wears glasses containing a camera that records everything he/she looks at on the way to the bar).
  • we watch the resulting film with each respondent and ask this person about everything of interest or not obvious to us.

OUTCOME: The client finds out how and why particular promotional-advertising materials "work" and what needs to be improved.





express results
or how to conduct an entire study in 2 days

RESEARCH BACKGROUND AND GOAL: a super-fast disaster check of a communication creation –> the material to be tested will be ready on Tuesday, and the results of the study must be ready for the Management Board on Thursday morning.

The Insiders' RESPONSE:

  • we complete recruitment in record time: half a day!
  • we conduct 4 FGIs in a row, in one day!  (Wednesday)
  • we use two highly experienced researchers for the study: one moderates the groups, while the other sits behind the two-way mirror and writes up the results as the data is collected.
  • we start preparing the presentation immediately after completion of fieldwork (working late at night)!
  • we deliver the results ahead of time: at 8 a.m. Thursday!

OUTCOME: the express study enables the client to decide what to with a spot during a meeting of the Management Board at 10 a.m. Thursday.

reaching the unreachable
or how to gain a good understanding of an elusive consumer

RESEARCH BACKGROUND AND GOAL: The client wants to extend their activity to a new target, but they know very little about the group's needs and expectations. The target is very hard to study – it consists of extremely busy, wealthy, demanding and scattered people.

The Insiders' RESPONSE:

  • we recruit respondents through personal contacts and the snowball effect – respondents recommend further potential respondents, thereby giving us a lot of help.
  • we take a highly flexible approach to interview methodology, speaking with respondents however possible – face to face at the respondent's workplace, on-line (with or without a camera) or over the phone.
  • we use ethnographic techniques in a supporting role – wherever possible, we take photos or observe respondents as their "shadows".
  • some of our respondents "spy" for us, thanks to which we get information about a considerably larger number of people than those whom we study directly.

OUTCOME: a large number of pointers/ insights for creating a communication and altering a product concept.

effective and inexpensive
or how to devise a strategy with a limited budget

RESEARCH BACKGROUND AND GOAL: The client  has a great product, but doesn't know how to position it. The client has only a few product samples to provide and a very limited research budget.

The Insiders' RESPONSE:

  • we conduct a qualitative study on a small sample in consumers' homes, where the product is used in a natural, intuitive and spontaneous manner, in genuine everyday situations.
  • we include the entire household in the study, because we don't know who will love the product the most and why.
  • we supplement the study with some concrete ethnographic facts: the respondents are asked to keep diaries and take photos of all product usage situations.
  • we invite the most active study participants to a strategic workshop that includes the client and cooperating agencies – together with the consumers, we specify the possible positionings and select the optimal one.

OUTCOME: development of the optimal strategy for the product/ brand and communication platform.

successful NPD
or how to find several attractive new things

RESEARCH BACKGROUND AND GOAL: The client wants to create several product concepts (within a particular category and brand) that are promising from a sales standpoint.

The Insiders' RESPONSE:

  • we begin by identifying the needs and behaviors of different consumer groups in various situations/ occasions when products in the category are eaten (U&A study).
  • we specify the niches and market gaps as well as the optimal product development routes by organizing a consumer contest and conducting a creative consumer group. The respondents' task is to think up a great product that meets their needs and expectations not satisfied by the current market offering.
  • we create new product concepts based on knowledge gained from our study, desk research and group creativity at the workshop with the participation of the client, our agency, the advertising agency, experts and the respondents.

OUTCOME: development of five product concepts that are optimal for the brand.

the unruly respondent
or how to tame kids as study participants

RESEARCH BACKGROUND AND GOAL: The client wants to assess the potential of a product aimed at children.

The Insiders' RESPONSE:

  • we speak with mothers as well as their kids, because children are the "gates" to purchase in this category.
  • we conduct the groups simultaneously, working with kids in one room, their moms in another.
  • the focus groups with kids are small and short, divided by age and sex.
  • two researchers work together with the kids' groups – one is in the room with the kids, the other is behind the two-way mirror collecting observations.
  • we adapt the conditions of the study to the children's age – friendly interiors without too many stimulating elements, interesting tasks for the kids and techniques suitable for their age.
  • we impose clear rules so that the children don't get out of hand 
  • we often praise the kids, thereby encouraging them to participate actively.

OUTCOME: we learn the level of interest in the product and the modifications that need to be made.